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Andy Kind | Promedian

Andy Kind

On Humility

The Major Oak at the heart of Sherwood Forest cocked a sinewy old branch in our direction as we stopped for a rest. Massively old, bulging grotesquely around the middle and unfathomably still standing, I was 40 now so these things should be expected.  My friend, half...

Untwisted Tales: The Princess and the Pea

In a land far away lived a prince. I should say that he only lived far away from you. To his neighbours, he was only a stone’s throw away. He knew this because his neighbours didn’t like him very much and would often throw stones at him when he was trying to play in...


I should have had breakfast before I put my suit on really, but I’d hardly slept and I was desperate for my future life to start – as though donning full regalia ahead of schedule could somehow chivvy time along. Now I was dressed it just gave me more time to...

The 10 Stages of Writing New Material

Stage 1: Excitement Excitement that you’ve actually sat down to write a new joke instead of sitting in your pants, bidding online for cattle.  In your mind you’ve suddenly ranked up on the comedic ladder. You’ve notched yourself up the comedy pecking order. This joke...